About Us
This lulav and etrog business was started by my father, whose particular love for helping people perform the mitzvot of the chagim (holidays) traces backward to generations before him. His sister, as he often fondly recalls, would bake matzot for the entire community in their small town in Khorammabad, Persia.
With my father at the helm of this business, we grew up annually standing on the streets of the Lower East Side, Manhattan for the week before the Sukkot holiday, and have many colorful stories of our experiences throughout these last forty plus years of doing so. We've sold all manners of etrogim, lulavim, hadassim, and aravot, and supplied Jews of all walks of life, including renowned rabbis, with sets of the arba minim at the most reasonable prices we could find.
Here for example, is a picture of a renowned rabbi (well, his hand only) as he evaluates a Yanover Italian Etrog we carried one year, a large and unique specimen:
Baruch Hashem, with Hashem's help, for the last 13 years, we've also sold online, supplying people throughout the United States with the most beautiful etrog and lulav sets at the cheapest and best prices available on the market. In our experience, having carried and dealt with every sug (grade) of etrog on the market. we generally recommend our core offering sold on our site for 40 dollars to our customers because it is an absolutely beautiful etrog and is a rare find at the price at which we sell it. And we also offer a 65 dollar set, graded to a higher standard. We wish you the most wonderful sukkot. Please don't hesitate to contact us at sales at etroglulav dot com if you have any particular arba minim needs.

Baruch Hashem, with Hashem's help, for the last 13 years, we've also sold online, supplying people throughout the United States with the most beautiful etrog and lulav sets at the cheapest and best prices available on the market. In our experience, having carried and dealt with every sug (grade) of etrog on the market. we generally recommend our core offering sold on our site for 40 dollars to our customers because it is an absolutely beautiful etrog and is a rare find at the price at which we sell it. And we also offer a 65 dollar set, graded to a higher standard. We wish you the most wonderful sukkot. Please don't hesitate to contact us at sales at etroglulav dot com if you have any particular arba minim needs.